About us


Our Story

The property was built in 1950 by the Senanayake family with the intention for organizing Alms-giving ceremonies to the monks of the Galdhuwa forest hermitage located nearby. Providing Alms-givings to monks is a part of sacred Buddhist ritual practiced for centuries.


The Design

At one end of the veranda was a room dedicated to worship the Buddha, bed rooms were at the other end. The row of open windows along the veranda provided fresh air circulating through the house and many places to sit down and watch the bird life outside. There was no enclosed inner court yard but the open veranda at the back was where the family met at all times, the cinnamon fire from the kitchen was always welcoming the family. At night the fire flies lit the bedrooms and distant drumming from a ritual could be heard. Amabangoda is the home of ritual dancing. Going to bathe in Akurala, or at the well located on the estate and daily visits to the Forest Hermitage kept the family busy.


The Family

Family members would engage in preparing the food and gave alms to the monks, as the practice of offering food is called, since the dawn of Buddhism over 2,500 years ago.


The fourth Generation

We hope you will enjoy this hospitality that has been handed down four generations!

As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise, you will miss most of your life.
— Buddha